
What's This Site All About?

Welcome to Zia Embedded! This site serves as a sort of scratch pad for a variety of projects. There is a focus on embedded systems which includes not only software but hardware considerations. That being said, other interesting projects will be considered in the realm of scientific computing, data analysis, data structures and algorithms, creation and manipulation of images, and whatever else comes to mind. A lot of this content will be for reference for me but maybe it will be useful to someone else. I will be referencing a lot of other peoples' work that I am learning from. So this site may serve you well as a springboard to finding other resources.

Recent Posts

Notes on the ATSAMD21G

Adding WiFi to Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

An AVR Bootloader (Part 1)

Notes and details on compiling, uploading, and using a bootloader for an AVR. The bootloader used is from Dean Camera's LUFA project and is used on the ATmega32u4.


Hackuum Cleaner

In this post we explore adding a bootloader to an ATmega1284. The bootloader uploads the code through the USART. The basics of bootloaders are reviewed, resources are given and AVR architecture is also explained.
